
This month I’m launching my very own hashtag challenge to promote perhaps the slowest fashion of all, wearing clothes that not only already exist, but are sitting in all our wardrobes this very moment.

Earlier this year I read an article that stated how people in the UK own £10 billion (BILLION!) worth of unworn clothes. That’s just the UK. One tiny island (albeit a very crowded one). It really struck me as such an absurd thing at first, but we as a nation feed off of having the latest, the shiniest and the need to keep up with… well I don’t really know what. Who are we trying to impress? Ourselves? Friends? Instagram? Then what’s ridiculous is we don’t even wear these clothes. When you take a step back this does seem rather silly.

So this lead me to my hashtag challenge #showusyourclothes. The idea isn’t to buy new items to show off or keep up with trends, but to look inside our own wardrobes before we look at the shops and wear what we already own. We all have our own style, I personally ignore all trends and wear what I like. It took me years but here I am!

However, I do think we should still show off what we wear. Clothes are an exciting way to express ourselves, but we can all do this while being environmentally conscious. So I want to see what you have hidden, what you haven’t felt the need to wear, have been saving to wear, or are just too self conscious to show off.

From Monday 23rd September I’m posting my own and others looks with a (very general) theme in mind for each day of the week. Your challenge is to interpret each day as it comes, without buying clothes, without feeling the need to justify anything, and most of all to enjoy clothes you own and love:)

Follow me on instagram and use #showusyourclothes to take part!

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